
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Pescetarian Day 1

For those who have been following me on Instagram or know me personally, all of you should know by now that I absolutely adore meat, eggs, and possibly every other animal-based meal I can sink my teeth into. Why pescetarianism then? Why the sudden change and why, in particular, the choice of being pescetarian instead of vegetarian?

First off, "what is a pescetarian?" Pescetarianism, or pesco-vegetarianism, means being vegetarian with seafood being the only exception. Basically it is cutting out red meat, pork, poultry, etc. like a vegetarian, but still consuming fish and other seafood.

My interest in pescetarianism initially started off as nothing more than Googling new methods to lose weight, which led to me clicking from one page to another. Several clicks away, I eventually found myself thoroughly researching on the meat and poultry production industry and exposing myself to the cruelty that those animals face on a daily basis. Finally, leading to this very decision - to do my part by NOT being in support of these movements any further.

Vegetarians may argue that consuming fish would indirectly mean that I am in support of the cruel methods that fish farms use to multiply the growth of fish in the shortest time frames possible, and since I have already chosen to be pescetarian which already omits the consumption of meat, why not just cut out the seafood too? Unfortunately, I am (quoting my Instagram profile's description) "82% sure that my tastebuds were wired in Japan", and I actually agree with Chloe Spencer's take on the consumption of seafood:

"Here's another thing to think about -- can we eat raw fish and seafood if it's healthy and clean and not get sick? Yes. Do we always have to season fish and seafood for it to taste good? No. Are there the same health risks from eating healthy, fresh fish as there are from eating land animals? No," via the Huffingtonpost (full article: here).

Of course ideally, for the sake of Mother Nature and Earth alike, I would take on a vegetarian lifestyle with immediate effect. But I do not think that I am ready to because of my personal beliefs, selfish interests and reasons. I just cannot deny the fact that fish CAN be eaten raw without preservatives - leading to my final decision of adapting to a pescetarian diet first, readying myself to cut out fish completely eventually to immerse myself in vegetarianism. It certainly does not mean that I am in support of the several fish farms that subject their fish to confined spaces, etc. I guess all I need is time. This decision itself was pretty much an overnight thing, I'm not even sure if I'll be able to keep to it but I sincerely hope I do!

I am definitely not saying that anyone who consumes meat and who will still continue to consume meat for the rest of their lives are explicitly in favor of animal cruelty and mistreatment. Contradictory to this post, I do love the taste of meat, I genuinely do…… And I know this is not going to be an easy lifestyle for me to adapt to as I have been a consumer of meat all my life, but I just can't unread and unsee all that I came across these past few days regarding meat and poultry production. Ultimately everyone has their own dietary preferences and I guess this is just what I feel I really want to stand for; this is me making a change, no matter how insignificant. Hence, this decision on adapting to pescetarianism before eating as ethically as I possibly can for the rest of my life (being on a 98-100% plant-based diet, with bivalves being a possible exception), is made solely made by myself, for myself.

So here's to the beginning of a healthier, more nature-friendly lifestyle.

For your viewing:

On an unrelated note, a belated happy 50th to my country, my homeland, Singapore! xx

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