
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Seventh year

This is a post dedicated to the guys who have been in my life since we were allocated to the same secondary 3 class back in Ngee Ann. I don't even know if I have much to say about these guys, we barely met up after we graduated in 2010. Well, they did, with their karaoke/lepak/"eh dinner leh" sessions, they've kept their bonds strong. Actually, I don't even know why I am posting this. Perhaps being invited to stand-in for Syahir's social night, to Elisha's 21st and having to sit in on their army talks (which make up like 90% of EVERY conversation we have) has brought upon the realization that my guy friends are really growing up LOL. And without a doubt, that time has really flown.

(I'm sorry the pictures are of such a shitty resolution I just couldn't be fucked AKA these are taken with my lousy iPhone camera/directly uploaded from my iPhone AKA my broke ass can't afford a proper camera sorry.)

It's funny how at the 'O' levels point of our lives, everything that they are going through now seemed so surreal. But now that they are really in the process of serving the nation, its like shit just got real. Don't you agree that the gauge is not as obvious for females? Like all we do is transit from one education level to the next, grow some boobs (the lucky ones grow decent C cups, boo) and start using make-up, or probably dressing differently. But for guys the real indication of their next phase in life is National Service?

I can't believe we have been friends for so many years already, I didn't even realize it until I was coming up with a caption for the social night post on Instagram, thinking to myself "how many years have Irsyad and I been friends ah? Since sec 3 is 15 years old means six years……" And it suddenly hit me - "SIX YEARS ALREADY?! Wah so long omg." Actually six years isn't even THAT LONG, but it really feels so, considering how it seems like just yesterday I was thinking of which school to enroll in after receiving my 'O' level results, and then here I am today doing whatever I am doing with my life.

I don't even know what to do with this post because I am just in a state of reminiscence at the moment but whatever I'm not even sure what's the point of this post anyway I guess I'm just really thankful to have friends who actually stuck through the years? So I am just gonna say thanks for being in my life guys. It breaks my heart when one of you is upset/heartbroken (really, it does), and I know none of you assholes express your care and concern for me as the princess but deep down I know all of you actually care (like that one time last year I was upset and Oon and Kiang decided to just 'casually' treat me to dinner at 85, and how you guys take my well-being into consideration so sweet). Tough love but love nonetheless, 谢谢有你们的爱!

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